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Medieval Dragons Ancient & World Dragons Post-Medieval Dragons Catalog
There are now three pages of dragons, due to overcrowding. Other dragons:
Ancient Dragons and Victorian and Folklore Dragons
Dragon Tile Backsplash in
Washington, DC Victorian row house
But it is one thing to read about dragons and another to meet them. ~Ursula K. Le Guin
You might also be interested in The Installation of the Dragons.
Dragons exist in every culture and on six of the seven continents (that we know). The dragons in this tile set are medieval and bestiary dragons, with some overlap.
One of my favorite bestiaries with dragons featured on this page is the Liber Floridus (Book of Flowers): The Liber Floridus is not a proper bestiary. It is a compendium from 192 other tracts that was compiled between 1090 and 1120 by Lambert of St. Omer. Most of the Liber Floridus dragons here are from the 1460 version. The Liber Floridus is not Lambert's only work, however, and you will find dragons attributed to him that are not Liber Floridus dragons.
These Dragons have migrated as far as Japan, Norway, Tasmania, London, both coasts of Canada, Belgium, and throughout the United States. Each dragon is described, briefly below.
Some dragons have moved, due to the sheer number of dragons:
Post-Medieval and Victorian Dragons.
A particularly interesting bestiary is The Bestiary of Anne Walshe: A Latin bestiary of English origin, this bestiary, or Book of Beasts was produced in the early 15th century, roughtly 1400-1425. Anne must have been a well-to-do young lady to have such a book made for her. Unlike most bestiaries of the time, it has no gold edges. Anne was clearly studying as she made her own notes on the pages of her bestiary, with some endearing misspellings. You will find her red dragon and cocktrice (only very tangentially a dragon) on this page. But dragon are a small part of Anne's bestiary; others creatures, such as the dangerous bonnacon, can be found in The Bestiary of Anne Walshe.
Wells Apocalypse: False prophet, Apocapytic dragon and beast, with frogs coming out of their mouths. British Library, early 15th century.
Three-headed dragon, Rutland Psalter, 13th century
Wedding feast, Early Roman codex
Stolen kisses, Early Roman codex
Historia Plantarum dragon, first Latin translation, circa 1483
Seven-headed dragon of the Apocalpyse, Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria, 15th Century, Italy
Harley Bestiary manuscript dragon
Early medieval dragon with foliage tail
Early Cubist dragon, Amiens, 12th c.
Single-horned unicorn, Meermano, Netherlands
Hungry and remorseful dragons, c. 1000 A.D.
Dragon kisses, Chantilly, Musée Condé
Love's sweet kiss, French breviary 13th cent.
Conception of Alexander the Great. Tempera on parchment, 1468
Two red dragons from the bestiary of Ludwig III, 9th century
Liber Floridus dragon with tail ornament
Middle Wyvern with matching tongue and tail
Three horned dragons, appearing to hitchhike
Aberdeen bestiary Amphisbaena wearing pearls.
More about the Amphisbaena
Not a true dragon, the self-reflective Amphisbaena has two heads. The amphisbaena can move in two directions.
According to myth, the aphisbaena was spawned from the dripping blood of Medusa when Perseus, after beheading her, flew over the Libyan desert. Amphisbaena fans feature in the poetry of John Milton, Shelley, Tennyson, Houseman, and Alexander Pope and the writing of Pliny the Elder and Isidore of Seville.
The amphisbaena has a twin head, that is one at the tail end as well, as though it were not enough for poison to be poured out of one mouth. ~Pliny the Elder
Early striped basilisk with the three controllers of the universe
13th century red-headed bird-like dragons, Northern France
Lieber Floridus dragon, with Noah's ark
Lambton Worm of Durham. The worm is wrap itself around Penshaw Hill three times.
Single French Vouivre dragon with ring of magic, signature of Cranach the Elder 1514
Horus Deliciarum seven-headed dragon illustration the Revelation of St. John, 1185 A.D.
Ninth century German dragon with spiral growth curve
Red dragon of Wales from the coat of arms of Henry VII
Later blue-winged basilisk in flight
Happy red-winged dragon from the Morgan library bestiary
Ten-horned Apocalypse Dragon from the Liber Floridus Medieval Encyclopedia 1090-1120 A.D.
Early Striped Basilisk with dog face
Hugh de Fouillay dragon, 12th century, France
Wyvern from the Bestiary of Anne Walsh
Ulisse Aldrovani dragon from Serpentum et Draconum, pub. 1640, Italian
Apocalypse dragon spewing water, from the Yates Thompson Apocalypse, Paris, c. 1370-c. 1390
Cockatrice, a dragon produced from a cock's egg with a deadly glance. Only a weasel can kill a cockatrice. Bestiary of Anne Walshe, 15th century
Franco-Flemish dragon, last quarter of 13th century; Dragon from Jacob van Mearlant bestiary, 14th century Flanders.
Seven-headed dragon of the Apocalpyse, Basilica of St. Catherine of Alexandria, 15th Century, Italy
And now, a dragon-eating dragon
Medieval dragon with antlers and something growing out of his hat
Sleepwalker surprising a Shocked Wyvern
Dragon at lunch, Tudor bestiary, 1520
Dragon from the Bestiary of the young Anne Walshe, circa 1425
Liber Floridus, Dragon section title
Three-headed dragon coming in for a landing
Blue dragon with flourishes from Harley bestiary
Dancing dragon from Il Libri de Diavolo, Codex Gigas Eighth Century
"Amen" dragon from Book of Hours, Bruges, c. 1500, dragon vomiting fire into a spittoon
Cockatrice, Tudor Bestiary, 1520
Red dragon with stars: Ptolemy Almagest Draco Constellation, 1690
We men dream dreams, we work magic, we do good, we do evil. The dragons do not dream. They are dreams. They do not work magic: it is their substance, their being. They do not do; they are. Ursula K. Le Guin
Available in both 4 and 6 inch tiles.
Size: 6 inch square tiles (15.4 cm), or 4 inch (10.16 cm)
Tumbled Tiles (all sizes): $77 each
Tumbled is, well tumbled, and varies with what I'm sent when I order blanks but it *can* be modified a bit; some have more veining and "character" than others. For ceramic, I have two cream background colors: whipped cream (closest to blue-white) which is what you'll want if you intend to try to match generic subway tile. Bear in mind that there are a thousand different whites and even if they are exactly the same, the reflective nature of glossy tile and the ambient lighting will almost guarantee the match isn't exact. The other option, and my personal preference, is creme fraiche (whipped butter). Creme fraiche is not the yellow of your store-bought butter but has a richer color than whipped cream. At first, it looks white, but if you hold a piece of copy paper against it, you will see just how blue it isn't.
Tumbled tiles need to be sealed. Your installer may have a sealer he likes or I can seal them for you. I use a matte stone enhancer. Add two days and $10 per tiles if you want me to do this. But it is not difficult and you can easily do this yourself -- you just need a flat surface and a ventilated space because it is a bit stinky. A few cardboard boxes that serve as a table in your garage works perfectly.
Post-Medieval and Victorian Dragons
Medieval Bestiary of Anne Walshe (the only children's bestiary, having belonged to a young girl in the 15th century)
Due to overcrowding, Ancient and World dragons have moved to their own page: Ancient and World Dragons.
Post-medieval to Victorian Folklore Dragons have taken up residence on their own page: Post-Medieval to Victorian Folklore Dragons.
Striped basilisk
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