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Beauty and the Beast Story Tiles

I have three tiles sets for the Beauty and the Beast Fireplace tiles:

  • Six overmantel panels consisting of two 4.25-inch square tiles each.
  • Two fireplace surround panels consisting of two 6-inch square tiles each.
  • Three story-telling tiles, each 3 inches by 6 inches.

Fireplace Overmantel Tile Panels

Three sets of the Beauty and the Beast tiles are known to exist. They are not identical. This tile set is taken from the first set of Beauty and the Beast tiles done for 'The Hill'. Another version done for Tromode House leaves out the first panel depicting the father returning with the rose, and adds the final Sleeping Beauty wedding panel at the end.

Here are the original Beauty and the Beast fireplace panels that were removed from the fireplace at Cronkbourne (Tromode) for sale at Christie's:

Edward Burne-Jones Beauty and the Beast tiles made for William Moore's home on the Isle of Man.

Reproduction Horizontal Tile Panels

There are six overmantel Beauty and the Beast panels, consisting of eight 4.25 inch tiles.

I have two versions the Beauty and the Beast fireplace overmantel tiles. The first version done for one of the bedroom fireplaces at 'The Hill', home of Miles Birket Foster is the most common. The Cronkbourne (Tremode) version shown above is slightly different. Both versions (see) are available and you can make your own squence.

How there was a Prince who by enchantment was turned into a bear & how

Burne-Jones for Morris and Co. Beauty and the Beast tiles: Beauty asked for a rose, The merchant encountered the beast

a merchant was made to bring to him his youngest daughter

Burne-Jones for Morris and Co. Beauty and the Beast tiles: Beauty agreed to go live with the Beast, Beauty dreamt that the Beast was dying

and how the Prince became a man again and married her.

Burne-Jones for Morris and Co. Beauty and the Beast tiles: The prince became a man again, and asked Beauty to marry him

Flanking Side Panels

Beauty and the Beast: The Prince Beauty and the Beast: Beauty

The two vertical panels, each consisting of two 6-inch ceramic tiles, show the prince, again become a man, and Beauty with the rose plucked by her father.

Lettered Story Tiles for Beauty and the Beast

Three* 3 by 6 inch swan-decorated story tiles tell the story:

Beauty and the Beast tile: Descriptive tiles

Pricing: $185 per set of 3 tiles.

About the Beauty and the Beast Fairy Tale Story Tiles

Beauty and the Beast Fireplace

Morris & Co. Fairy Tales by Edward Burne-Jones

Morris, Marshall, Faulkner and Co. produced the first set of Beauty and the Beast panels for a bedroom overmantel at 'The Hill', the home of painter Myles Birket Foster. The fairy tale tiles were designed by Edward Burne-Jones and hand-painted by Lucy Faulkner. Philip Webb provided sketches of the bears. You can also find Philip Webb's animals in The Forest Tapestry tiles.

If you would like, you can compare the original 'Hill' and 'Tromode' versions here:

The Hill and Cronkbourne (Tromode) Beauty and the Beast tile panels

Fairy tale tiles were installed in three bedrooms at 'The Hill'. Other fairy tale panels installed in bedrooms at 'The Hill' are:

Sleeping Beauty Fireplace Overmantel Tiles

Cinderella Fireplace Overmantel Tile panels

Related products: The fairy tale fireplace panels at 'The Hill' were surrounded by Swan tiles.

Beauty and the Beast Tile Specificatons

Title: William Morris and Edward Burne-Jones Beauty and the Beast Tile Panels

Panels:16 tiles in six 2-tile horizontal panels, and two 2-tile vertical panels. The horizontal set and side panels can be purchased separately.

Tile: Ceramic

Twelve: 4.25 inch (10.8 cm)
Four: 6 inch square tiles (15.4 cm)

Thickness: 3/8 inch (1 cm)

5.25 ounces (157 grams) each tile (horizontal panels)
11.5 ounces (326 grams) each tile (vertical panels)

Beauty and the Beast Pricing

Horizontal Panels: $855 (12 tiles in six, two-tile panels)

All three sets of horizontal tiles: $2500 (Cinderella, Beauty and the Beast, Sleeping Beauty - suitable for stairs or a backsplash)

Side Panels: $285 (four tiles in two 12-inch panels)

Descriptive swan tiles: $180 (per three 3x6 inch tiles)

How to Order Tile



To recap, even after you've decided you want the fairy tale tiles, you have several choices:

  • the version (for Beauty and the Beast, 'The Hill' or 'Tromode'),

  • flanking side panels alone, stand-alone overmantel tiles, or the complete set

  • description tiles

  • swans or no swans, and if swans one either likes swans or one doesn't, there is no half-heartedness about swans) and if one does like swans, there are several versions of swans. And then what size of swans and how many.

  • You might be interested in seeing some installation photos: Fireplaces, Stairs, Accents

    I include detailed installation guidelines when I ship your tiles.

    See another customer's installation here and here.
