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William De Morgan: De Morgan Tiles Borders & Backsplashes Persian Fish Frieze Morris Collaborations
The last thing a fish would ever notice would be water. ~Raph Linton
Like the Morris-De Morgan collaboration in the Membland Hall tiles, the fish bowl tiles were produced using the "painted paper" technique, where the leading lines of the design were drawn on tracing paper before being pasted onto a sheet of glass used as a guide for the artst who finished the tiles, sometimes with direction from De Morgan and Halsey Ricardo, and sometimes with the color preferences of a particular client in mind. In most cases, considerable leeway was give the artists who painted the tiles. (More about De Morgan's Painted Paper technique. )
The De Morgan Fish bowl tiles were designed when De Morgan had his tile works down the lane from Merton Abbey, and through Morris & Co.
The fish bowls work well in a fireplace surround in their own right. They are seamless on both the horizontal and the vertical, so you could use them for a one- or two-row border.
Background Colors: Available background colors are: cream, black, indigo, and white. The cream is taken from the fish tail color in the Persian Fish Frieze.
Size: The two-tile fish panel is available on 4.25 and 6 inch ceramic tile.
These tiles are intended to work with the Persian Fish Bowls. Available background colors are water, black, white, cream.
Prism fish
Red-brown fish
Five blue fish
Small bowl fish
Blue-green fish
Five green fish
Three Wightwick Fish
Three sunfishes
Four Wightwick fishes
Six neons
Two lost souls
Infinity fish
Over the Rainbow fish
Individual Tiles:
4.25 inch tiles: $63 each tile
6 inch tiles: $78 each tile
4.25 inch tiles: $55
6 inch tiles: $68