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CFA Voysey Halcyon Fireplace
Halcyon is adapted from Voysey Halcyon design for tile. Available with a black or white background.
Six-inch tiles: $68 each
Eight-inch tiles: $96 each
The Bluebirds are available on the original blue background, and in cobalt and white. 6-inch tiles.
Per 6-inch tile: $63
Seagull is perfect for a blue and green themed room. Seagull is seamless in both directions. Great Salt Lake Blue and Green. Available on 6 and 8 inch tiles.
Six-inch tiles: $64
Eight-inch tiles: $96
Hoot (Owls of Hoot) is of Voysey's most famous patterns. Hoot is a set of two facing 6-inch tiles for an infinite repeat.
Per set (2 facing tiles): $128
Hey Diddle Diddle is a nursery tiles. Hey Diddle Diddle can be made with black, orange, ruddy, and gray cat colorways. Available on 6 inch tiles.
Six-inch tiles: $70
Eight-inch tiles: $96
Adapted from the original design, Apothecary's Garden comes on 6 or 8 inch tiles
Not currently available
Six by Eight-inch tiles: $96
CFA Voysey Alice in Wonderland Tiles made for Minton Co.
Rook and Holly. Voysey used Rook and Holly in his own children's nursery
CFA Voysey tiles: Hoot border
Now not day only shall be beloved, but night too shall be beautiful and blessed and all its fear pass away. ~ JRR Tolkien
CFA Voysey Alice in Wonderland Tiles
See also: