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Victorian, Medieval, Arts & Crafts and Pre-Raphaelite Tile

Art made by the people for the people, as a joy to the maker and the user... ~William Morris

Tile in the William Morris and De Morgan Tradition


William De Morgan Birds and Beasts fireplace

William De Morgan Fantastic Birds and Beasts tiles. See more tiles and Customer Installation Photos. Also the Lewis Carroll fireplace tiles. Or see the complete listing of William De Morgan Tiles and articles

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Victorian Tile in the tradition of Arts & Crafts,
also known as the decorative wing of the Pre-Raphaelite movement

5 February 2025

William Morris, founder of the Arts and Crafts Movement

With the arrogance of youth, I determined to do no less than to transform the world with Beauty. If I have succeeded in some small way, if only in one small corner of the world, amongst the men and women I love, then I shall count myself blessed, and blessed, and blessed, and the work goes on. ~William Morris

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Current Announcements

New Fireplace Installations, which appears in the latest issue of... wait for it.... Vogue. Yes, I am kinda excited about it.

It's not as nice as my three-panel version Persian Fish Frieze, but there have been requests so I made a four-tile version that some older homes had from 25-30 years ago. Here it is: De Morgan Four-Tile Fish Replacement Panel

Some new things are on the way....

Oh yeah, prices... Prices are *not* going up, tariffs or no tariffs. At least, not in the foreseeable future. So don't rush, take your time, choose what you like and enjoy the process.

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Current time to ship is 2-4 weeks for most orders. We are not yet in tile season and things are moving along at a nice pace, which is calming, all things considered. Shipping times are amazingly fast, in spite of the inclement weather across the country. As expected, larger orders may take longer.


New customer installation photos added to Kitchen Backsplashes

Art Nouveau: Tiffany Grape Vine fireplace tiles.

Classic Blue Onion is live. Finally.

Created a Mock Turtle for the Lewis Carroll Fireplace Tiles. There is no original De Morgan mock turtle but one was sorely needed so I've created one from the body parts of other De Morgan creatures. A Mock Turtle Frankenstein, as it were.

Newly launched: Large murals. These will be labeled in the sitemap listing.

I am continuing to replace, or add as an option, some the intricate pattern tiles, that are too dense on a single tile, with two-tile sets. I am really happy with this. It makes them easier to see and has been so well-received that I'm going to continue this trend.

I modified the Catalog in an attempt to make the website easier to navigate. You can drill down from the Catalog, or if you know the tile you are looking for by name, it will be listed on the Site Map.

First time here? How this Site is Organized

Newest Customer Installations

Latest Tiles (not fully updated, but soon!)

Visual Galleries

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Abandon hopelessness, all ye who enter here...
~G.K. Chesterton

I will be adding new customer installation photos in the new few days. They are accessible from the Catalog

Currently working on: Larger backsplashes along the lines of the Strawberry Thief Backsplash, Golden Lily and May Morris Acanthus backsplash and border tiles.

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'The Forest' Borders and Backsplash

12-tile 'The Forest' Lion Backsplash

He has tinged my whole inner being with the beauty of his own, and I know not a single gift for which I owe such gratitude to heaven as his friendship.
~Edward Burne-Jones on his friendship with William Morris, in Georgiana Burne-Jones, Memorials of Edward Burne-Jones

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More Installation Photos:

Strawberry Thief Backsplash

Strawberry Thief small undercabinet backsplash

More kitchen installation photos

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William De Morgan Peacock Fireplace

De Morgan fireplace surround with early Art Nouveau turquoise peacocks

Wiliam De Morgan early Art Nouveau Peacocks


Baths (one new)

Kitchens (two new)

Fireplaces (one new)

Stairs and Accents (one new)

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Newest Tiles

I have been creating some new tiles but their pages are lagging. I'll update this section soon.

William Morris Tiles from Textiles:

New size and color options added to Strawberry Thief Backsplash and Border Tiles

Tiles from Textiles Gallery

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William De Morgan:

Tree of Knowledge Fireplace Surround with Pratt and Larson Field Tiles

De Morgan Tiles Gallery

De Morgan Borders and Backsplashes

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Twelve new tiles added to De Materia Medica, a Medieval herbal text, for a total of 24 tiles.

Tiles from De Sphaera, a Medieval Astronomical Textbook

Added new tiles and formats to the Unicorn Tapestries

Ongoing additions to the bestiary:

new bestiary tiles

Brought back Limited Edition murals to Tres Riches Heures Labors of the Months tile set (12 months, 6 tiles).

Medieval Tile Listing

Victorian Medieval:

Monoceros Star Map backsplash. Beware of unicorns in the sky.

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Victorian and Arts & Crafts Botanicals

Northwest Ferns

Botanicals: Ladies Flower Garden of Ornamental Annuals

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Pre-Raphaelite Arts & Crafts:

Edward Burne-Jones, Doorkeeper

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Art Nouveau:

Art Nouveau Water Lily and Lotus

Margaret Macdonald Mackintosh 'Four Queens'

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Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. ~William Morris

The galleries are visual gateways to tiles in the general area mentioned. Options such as size, color, and other variations are shown on the individual product pages.

William Morris Tiles from Textiles

Morris & Co. Tiles

Victorian Blue and White Tiles

William De Morgan Tiles

De Morgan Tile Borders and Backsplashes

William Morris Red House and Early Tiles

Other Tiles I Hope to Work on Soon

But really, it's getting away from me....


I've started work on nests, kitchen herbs, and possibly even more fish. Kitchen herbs are probably more important but I am enjoying the nests. Meanwhile, do see the Ladies' Flower Garden of Ornamental Annuals

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And Someday....

If these seem like a good idea, encourage me.

Victorian tea room tiles.

Accent tiles to accompany the Monoceros Star Map backsplash.

Medieval Story Tiles

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I say to you that earth and heaven are not two but one; and this one is that which ye know, and are each one of you a part of.... unless ye slay it. ~William Morris, A Dream of John Ball

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